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Hotellerie & Gastronomie

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Board washer

Good things take time - and good cheese needs to ripen. Once the ripening process is complete, it's time to clean the ripening boards. Our board washing machine for cheese dairies and alpine dairies takes over this tedious task completely automatically, quickly and efficiently. It can be adapted to your individual needs and extended with a range of additional options. For example, it is possible to integrate post-heating and the addition of cleaning agent and thus to automate the control to 100%.

The Inoxstahlbau board washers are filled with a mixture of water and cleaning agent at the start of the shift. Depending on the degree of soiling, several 100 boards can be cleaned with one mixture. The washing process takes place without brushes, so that the boards are cleaned particularly gently. Trust in our inox machinery manufacturing of the highest quality! 


What the machine can do

High efficiency

Cleaning of several 100 boards with a mixture

100% automation

Various additional options can be integrated

Gentle cleaning

The boards are cleaned in one wash cycle without brushing

Guaranteed hygiene

Components made of stainless steel & plastic with FDA certificate

CIP cleaning

Our tray washers are 100% CIP-capable

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Product sheet board washer

You will find all details in the product sheet.

Download PDF

We will be happy to advise you personally

Andreas Schäfer
Tel +39 0474 916013


From plan to "Perfect!"

Consulting & Analysis

Close to the customer, close to the solution! We are at your side, from the initial enquiry to product support. We take plenty of time for consultation, analysis, planning and conception. The starting point is always your needs; once we have analysed these, we will take the path to the best possible solution.

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Even before your machine is commissioned, we carry out tests at Inoxstahlbau. By doing so we make sure that everything works as desired on site. A good feeling!

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Inspection & maintenance

Even if Inox stainless steel guarantees a long service life from the outset, every system and machine needs the right "care". We take care of inspections and maintenance work in consultation with you. You can rely on us even years after purchase!

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Spare parts

Practical and fast: Using a QR code scan, you can request spare parts for your machine and avoid long delays in operation.

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Training & Education

"Stage technician" is not something you just do, you become one with the right support! Inoxstahlbau takes care of the education and training of your operators, directly on site or via remote maintenance. Your employees learn to operate machines and equipment correctly for maximum service life and efficiency.

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